About Us

Cuddle Workshops are run by James Lockley and Claire Van Den Bosch.  

James  Lockley - having had a profound lack of physical touch growing up, James has set about making amends in adulthood. He is experienced in  Gestalt Psychotherapy, laughter therapy, life coaching, and has a long standing passion for five rhythms dance.
James  also co-organises Norfolk Midsummer Camp (see links).

Claire van den Bosch – Claire is from a highly huggy background, and joined the team recently having been an enthusiastic participant over the last couple of years. A practicing therapist from South London, with a keen interest in addiction recovery, Claire believes passionately in the power of movement, touch and creating community for emotional and spiritual healing. With a first degree in Psychology and Philosophy, she’s set to gain UKCP accreditation as an Integrative and Transpersonal Psychotherapist in 2014. Claire also loves dancing the 5 Rhythms, singing (especially kirtan), community living, and still works occasionally as a freelance executive coach and workshop facilitator after many years in the corporate sector.