
  "It was just utterly perfect and nourishing, you wonderful people you  XXX" C.V. London

“Too relaxed to give you feedback, Would like the workshop run from my front room” R.C. London

" A profound experience, thank you" S.P. London

“It was perfect as it was, thank you so much, beautiful”  S.S. London

I “felt safe, feeling tired relaxed, peaceful” C.L. London

“Thank you for putting on such a wonderful cuddle workshop on Saturday, it did really do me good. I look forward to attending other workshops in the future” D.T. Southampton

“Feeling warm nurtured, connected. Thank you very much.”  K.H. London

Feeling relaxed, nourished, grounded, content  L.R. London

One attendee’s experience:

“On Sunday, in London, I attended my second cuddle workshop. For some of you these words may conjure up a faintly dodgy image with perhaps sexual connotations. Or perhaps you might think it’s ‘sad’ to pay money to go somewhere where you can get a cuddle. These thoughts have all run through my head at one point. In fact, cuddle workshops are emerging out of an increased awareness of the effects a touch-deprived society has on us as human beings who all need touch to thrive, feel connected, and to belong.

…because I was already feeling very open, it wasn’t much of a stretch for me to do a cuddle workshop: to massage and hug others, and be massaged and hugged, and to end up in a huge ‘cuddle puddle’ at the end of the workshop with everyone there.

At Sunday’s workshop, facilitated by James Lockley and Anna Nathan, it really showed that I had been in a touch-deprived zone for a while...What I noticed afterwards…was that I continued to feel very present in my own body in a way I normally find difficult to access, often tending to ‘live in my head’. I felt a stronger awareness of my boundaries and less hesitant about moving away from people if they were crowding my space. I also felt a profound compassion for the people I saw, a sense that we were part of a human family that all have the same needs, no matter how much we may try to hide it.”

With gratitude to the author for letting us use her article.